(1) Why do we have a privacy policy?

Emsans is committed to privacy for everyone who accesses the site. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, we must comply with certain requirements which are designed to ensure that any data you provide to us is processed with due care and attention.

(2) What data we collect?

Emsans collects personal data about you to help you in your recruitment process. This data consists of information including your name, telephone number, address, e-mail address, work and education history.

(3) Why do we process this personal data?

We process this personal data as necessary to aid the recruitment process.

(4) Why do we collect and process sensitive personal data?

We collect and process sensitive personal data only so far as is necessary to ensure we conform with legal requirements, for example under equal opportunity laws. By using this website and by registering your details with us, you consent to us collecting and processing sensitive personal data supplied by you and disclosing this information to prospective employers and clients in connection with the recruitment process.

(5) Do we pass data to third parties?

We may pass data to prospective or intended employers or customers for the purpose of recruitment. You would be contacted personally for your consent before we pass on your CV.

(6) How can you manage or delete Personal Information?

When you access our website online, we store some information about you. This is anonymous and used for statistical purposes. However, if you would like to permanently delete your account, you can send an email to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) (see below) with the subject line "Permanently delete my information and account". Please do not forget to tell us who you are. Email us at: gdpr@emsans.co.uk

(7) How is this data safeguarded?

The security of your data is extremely important to us. Access to your personal data is only provided to our staff in order to help with the recruitment process, to prospective employers or customers. Emsans is committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure from unauthorised access to or unauthorised alterations, disclosure or destruction of information that we hold. Our security measures include: - • encryption of our services and data; • review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures; • restrict access to personal access to personal information to Emsans employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us and who are subject to contractual confidentiality and processing obligations. They may be disciplined or their contract terminated if they fail to meet these obligations. 

Our preferred CRM provider is Bullhorn. Read the Bullhorn privacy notice which outlines our mutual commitment to your privacy.

(8) Cookie Policy

Performance Cookies - these cookies collect anonymous information on how people use our website. For example, we use Google Analytics cookies to help us understand how customers arrive at our site, browse or use our site and highlight areas where we can improve areas such as navigation, shopping experience and marketing campaigns. The data stored by these cookies never shows personal details from which your individual identity can be established.

(9) How do we let you know if our policy changes?

Any policy changes, either due to business reasons or future changes in legislation, will be posted on this page and, if substantial, may be promoted on the website or through e-mail notification.

(10) How do you remove your name from the database?

Contact us and request it, your details will be permanently removed.

(11) Registered Office

Emsans LTD,
24 Hermitage
Chatham Street
Reading RG1 7LF

(12) Terminology

Data – information which is being processed by equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose, is recorded with the intention that it should be processed by means of such equipment, is recorded as part of a relevant filing system or with the intention that it should form part of a relevant filing system or forms part of an accessible record.

Data Protection Act 1998 – this is the act of Parliament which set out principles relating to the use of data to ensure that the rights of the person who is the subject of the data are protected under the law.

Personal data – data which relates to a living individual who can be identified from those data, or from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, Emsans Ltd.

Privacy policy – this statement by Emsans Ltd which explains the ways that we try to protect our users’ privacy.

Recruitment process – the process of gaining employment and recruiting new staff and the ongoing administrative process involved once a user has gained employment or recruited new staff.

Emsans Ltd.

Sensitive personal data – personal data consisting of information as to the racial or ethnic origin of the data subject, political opinions, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, membership of a trade union, physical or mental health or condition, sexual life, the commission or alleged commission of any offence or any proceedings related to any offence.

Third Parties – these are companies and people other than Emsans Ltd and the group of companies of which it is part.

Users – people who use our website and register their details with us for the purposes of recruitment, either to gain employment or for the purposes of recruiting new staff.

Updated 02 May 2018.